Famously known as Kanbi, we Leva Patels of Kutch District have a history that can be traced back to several millenia.
While the primary industry of our ancestors was agriculture, its is found that we did not remain in one place for more than two to three generations.
The constant migration and living in unbearable, harsh environments made our people more resilient, determined and adventurous. The sheer will and determination to survive, coupled with courage and strength led our elders to eventually migrate from India to a new part of the world in Africa in the 1890s.
Having travelled via dhows, our people worked as merchants in Zanzibar and Mombasa, using carts and donkeys to transport water and materials in service to building the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway.
After the Second World War, as trade developed and communication became easier, a lot more people were encouraged to settle down in parts of Kenya and the wider East Africa. The sense of togetherness, patience and willingness to support each other financially and socially became a uniting factor for the community – qualities that continue to be embodied as a strength in the community to this day.
Over time, some people moved to Europe and spread across the globe in search for a better life and opportunities.